SolutionIt is very easy to move a module back out of a Tab and back into its regular dialog box below the product.
We will do Customer Reviews module as an example.
1. Disable the Tab in the Dynamic Product Tabs Admin by clicking on the Tab name and...
SolutionNo you do not need to load the Jquery Javascript Library more than once, and it may break your scripts if it is loaded more than once.
Make sure your current jquery file is loaded before the Dynamic Product Tabs code in Step 5 of the installs edi...
SolutionDynamic Product Tabs makes it super easy to create a tab for your xCMS entries related to your products and it even hides the tab if there is no related entries set.
1. First lets move your xCMS related entries dialog into Dynamic Product Tabs ...
SolutionTo create a new tab that uses extra fields and only shows up when that field had data just follow these steps:
1. Click on Extra Fields in your left admin menu.
2. Go to the Add Extra Field section and put in a Field Name. We will use "Ingre...
SolutionBecause of the smarty abilites of Dynamic Product Tabs you can create tabs that are ONLY IN specific categories or tabs that are in all categories EXCEPT specific categories.
Create a tab as you normally would by going to Dynamic Product T...
Extra Fields in X-Cart has a limit of 255 characters by default.
It is very easy to change this limit.
Head to your Patch/Upgrade page in your X-Cart Admin.
Scroll to the Apply Sql Patch Section and put the following into the SQL Queries box:
SolutionIf your skin previously had the product name in the top of a dialog box and you are on X-Cart 4.1.x or 4.2.x you may not have your product name displayed prominently on your product page anymore.
We suggest doing something like this:
1. Open...
When using our Next Previous module with our Dynamic Product Tabs we suggest implementing Next Previous as follows:
Open skin/common_files/customer/main/product.tpl
{* WCM - Dynamic Product Tabs *}
{if $active_modules.WCM_Dynamic_Product_T...
Yes it is pretty easy to move the description into your first tab to clean up your product details area.
1. On X-Cart 4.1.x-4.3.x open skin1/customer/main/product.tpl or on X-Cart 4.4.x open skin/common_files/customer/main/product_details.tpl
On x-C...
It is very easy to create links directly to a specific product tab so that customers can quickly find the information you are referring them to.
If you mouse over the tab (for example Detailed Images) it should show the full url of the web page along w...