Knowledgebase: Dynamic Product Tabs
How can I create tabs that only show or hide for specific categories?
Posted by - NA - on 30 November 2010 01:15 PM
SolutionBecause of the smarty abilites of Dynamic Product Tabs you can create tabs that are ONLY IN specific categories or tabs that are in all categories EXCEPT specific categories.

Create a tab as you normally would by going to Dynamic Product Tabs and scrolling to the Add section.
Put in a tab name and then some tab content.

A. To Show a tab only in specific categories:
Put this before the tab content you already have to make the tab show up only for products in category 1 and category 2:
{if $product.categoryid eq 1 or $product.categoryid eq 2}

B. To show a tab in all categories EXCEPT specific categories:
Put this before the tab content you already have to make the tab show up for all products except products in category 1 and category 2:
{if $product.categoryid ne 1 or $product.categoryid ne 2}

Put this after the tab content you already have:

Enjoy the flexibility of Dynamic Product Tabs

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