The category data will need to be loaded with the search to disable these products:
For version 2.0 and later:
Go to the admin/smart_search_admin.php page and enable this option:
Category Data - Required if you have disabled categories with produ...
An INVALID SQL: 1146 table doesn't exist error is caused when the proper Smart Search tables haven't been created. The search database/index will need to be rebuild on the admin/smart_search_admin.php page in your X-Cart admin section.
The Smart Search assigns a weight to each searchable field on your site. You can then adjust the importance of a match in each individual section to improve the relevancy of the results on your store.
The sections are:
Full Descr...
You can display the page numbers on the results page by placing the following code anywhere in the skin1/modules/Smart_Search/smart_search.tpl file.
{include file="customer/main/navigation.tpl"}
This X-Cart modification will display the search terms in the Management -> Statistics -> Search statistics section sorted in the order from most to least searched. This can give you a better idea of the most used search phrases on your store.
Comment out this code in the _search.php file (near line 179):
$products[$k]['descr'] = search_get_truncated_display($search_keywords_for_descr, $search_array, $v['fulldescr']?$v['fulldescr']:$v['full_descr'], $v['descr']);
When the first search is executed by a visitor the advanced search box is displayed for a second or two while the page calculates the size of the display.
To prevent this from occurring you can hard code these values in your file. However, these values...