On the Admin -> Orders page you will need to change the order to queued, and then back to processed to generate a new set of download keys.
The new download keys will be emailed to the customer along with a copy of the invoice.
As long as the product has a weight above 0, or freight set above $0 you can use the following modification:
Find this code:
if ($products_array["fulldescr"] == strip_tags($products_array["fulldescr"]))
A corrupt file can be caused by a number of different items.
1. Whitespace being sent out of the PHP file before the contents of the zip file. If you see this message on your site sometimes "If the page is not updated in 2 seconds, please follow this l...
Make the following edits to the include/product_clone.php file:
Find this code near line 234:
func_array2update("products", $query, "productid = '$new_productid'");
After insert this code:
// Download Expander :: www.alteredcart.com //
if (...
Somewhere around X-Cart version 4.1.8 or later, X-Cart changed the include/payment_method.php file introducing a bug that will not allow a $0 order. When a $0 order is submitted there is an error:
Order processing error !
Payment processor can not pro...
to one of the following:
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•I'm receiving a file is corrupt error when download a file using the Download Expande...
Open the skin1/modules/Download_Expander/download_main.tpl. And change the following:
{include file="product_thumbnail.tpl" productid=$product.productid image_x=$product.image_x image_y=$product.image_y product=$product.product tmbn_url=$product.tmbn_u...
To prevent the quantity box from displaying make the following edit to your include/search.php file:
Find this code near line 966:
$products[$k]['appearance'] = func_get_appearance_data($products[$k]);
BEFORE insert:
// Download Expander :: ...
Download keys not being generated are generally caused by one of the following:
1. The order isn't processed. The download keys will not be generated until the order is set to processed. If you are manually processing orders be sure to first set t...
To insure that X-Cart 4.2.x and greater recognize the downloads when processing an order please make the following edit.
Find the following code:
foreach($cart['products'] as $p) {
After insert:
// Download Expa...