I've installed CDSEO and everything worked well except I'm receiving 404 errors!
Posted by Nick Poindexter on 04 March 2010 04:36 PM
If you are receiving 404 errors after installing CDSEO, please ensure the following:

1) Your server supports mod rewrite, isapi 3 or Zeus (with rewrites enabled).
2) cdseopro.php has been uploaded to your sites root directory (the same as cart.php and home.php).
3) Step 3 of the installation instructions have been performed correctly. Instructions can be found at

If you continue to receive 404 errors, find the "RewriteBase" line in your .htaccess file which will look similar to:

#RewriteBase /xcart/

Remove the initial # from this line and reupload the .htaccess file.

If this does not solve the problem them please provide FTP information to our support department for evaluation.

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