My Mobile Mod won't checkout and keeps looping or doesn't show payment methods
Posted by Carrie Saunders on 02 March 2010 11:03 PM
This is a known issue with 4.1.9 and earlier 4.1.x versions due to the significant changes between versions of 4.1.x. X-cart's cart.php file operates differently between the 4.1.x branches. The fix is simple though. For issues with payment methods not showing up do the following Open up cart.php Find this code you inserted: # BCSE Begin - Mobile Mod # if ($isMobile){ func_display("customer/mobile_checkout.tpl", $smarty); exit; } # BCSE End - Mobile Mod # Change it to: # BCSE Begin - Mobile Mod # if ($isMobile){ $smarty->assign("payment_methods",$payment_methods); func_display("customer/mobile_checkout.tpl", $smarty); exit; } # BCSE End - Mobile Mod # For cart looping issues at the payment method selection step: Open up skin1/customer/mobile_checkout.tpl Find: {elseif $login && $smarty.get.paymentid eq ""} <form action="cart.php?mode=checkout" method="post" name="cartform"> Change it to: {elseif $login && $smarty.get.paymentid eq ""} <form action="cart.php?mode=checkout" method="get" name="cartform"> | |
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