
Replace with:
{if !$active_modules.WCM_Dynamic_Product_Tabs}{/if}

On X-Cart 4.2.x find:

Replace with:
{if !$active_modules.WCM_Dynamic_Product_Tabs}

On x-Cart 4.3.x or 4.4.x find:

Replace with:
{if !$active_modules.WCM_Dynamic_Product_Tabs}{/if}

2. Go to Dynamic Product Tabs admin and put the following information in the Add Entry dialog:
Tab Name: Details
Content: {$product.fulldescr|default:$product.descr}
Orderby: 0

3. Click Save to create the new tab.
Can I move my Product Description into the first tab below the rest of the product details?
Posted by - NA - on 04 May 2011 03:27 PM
Yes it is pretty easy to move the description into your first tab to clean up your product details area.

1. On X-Cart 4.1.x-4.3.x open skin1/customer/main/product.tpl or on X-Cart 4.4.x open skin/common_files/customer/main/product_details.tpl

On x-Cart 4.1.x Find
{if $product.fulldescr ne ""}{$product.fulldescr}{else}{$product.descr}{/if} {if $product.fulldescr ne ""}{$product.fulldescr}{else}{$product.descr}{/if} {$product.fulldescr|default:$product.descr} {$product.fulldescr|default:$product.descr}

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