My checkout buttons are not displaying correctly using Internet Explorer and X-Cart 4.2.3 (or greater)
Posted by - NA - on 04 January 2011 03:47 PM
The checkout doesn't contain any internal button code. It calls the standard X-Cart buttons templates.

However, the X-Cart button code in 4.2 has been re-written, and is not compatible with IE. To over come bugs in the CSS code or IE, or both, X-Cart issued a patch to dynamically change the button CSS.

There are two options to resolve this:

#1. Open your skin1/checkout_one.css file and insert this CSS rule at the end of the file:

button.button .button-right {

#2. If the first option doesn't work on your store apply this patch:
for-flc-new-customer-button-DIFF_39605.txt (1.3 KB)

OR manually insert the following code at the very end of the skin1/common.js file:

function change_width_iefix(){
$("td div button").each(function() {

Then open the skin1/modules/Checkout_One/checkout_one_home_42.tpl and change this:


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Still Have Questions? If you are unable to find a solution in the knowledgebase please open a support ticket for a personal response from alteredCart support.

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