Will Marketing Manager work on a customized x-cart site?
Posted by - NA - on 07 December 2010 10:53 AM
SolutionMarketing Manager has it's own breakout interface.

Things that won't break Marketing Manager functionality:

* Customized skin
* Third party mods from BCSE, WebsiteCM, Firetank Software
* URL rewriting schemes
* Any standard Qualiteam x-cart module / skin

Marketing Manager is a very stable product, it will operate on extremely customised x-cart sites, however some things that may break Marketing Manager functionality in rare instances are:

* Customized database structure (extra tables, extra fields)
* Altering the existing database structure in non-standard ways (non-integer order numbers, multi-character order statuses)
* Image management mods (this will affect the ebay module specifically)
* Non standard alteration to func_select_product
* Non standard alteration to func_get_image_url
* Non standard alteration to func_query

If you have any questions as to whether or not your customization will cause problems, please submit a ticket so we can investigate in more detail.

If you are concerned that Marketing Manager may not function on your website, please order it with Firetank Software professional Installation. We offer a full money back guarantee if our installation for any reason does not operate as stated.

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