Emails go to spam folder
Posted by - NA - on 07 December 2010 10:49 AM
SolutionIf your newsletters and targeted e-mails end up in your customers' spam folders, you may want to check the following: * You should send both a plain text and HTML version, this will give the spam filter more text to examine to determine if you're sending a legitimate message. * Make sure the plain text body and the HTML body have identical content. If you're sending a mixed message, you may trip the spam filter. * You should have a higher amount of text than HTML or images. Automated filters measure the amount of HTML markup and the size of images in your e-mail and may see your newsletter as image spam. * Make sure to include an unsubscribe link. If your users can click unsubscribe, it makes it easier to not click the "report as spam" button. There is no point in having subscribers who don't wish to read your newsletter. * Try to avoid hot spam keywords like "penny stocks" or or if you're a pharmacy, try not to advertise erectile dysfunction drugs. * The subject line should not be all capital letters. * If your domain get's blacklisted you may not be able to get it removed. If you're stuck, look at some of the spam you've gotten recently and analyze your message, too. Tweak your message so you can distance yourself as far as possible from illegitimate bulk e-mail. | |
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