How do I get the product name to show up at the top of my tab content on X-Cart 4.1 and 4.2?
Posted by - NA - on 30 November 2010 01:32 PM
SolutionIf your skin previously had the product name in the top of a dialog box and you are on X-Cart 4.1.x or 4.2.x you may not have your product name displayed prominently on your product page anymore. We suggest doing something like this: 1. Open skin1/customer/main/product.tpl 2. Find: {capture name=dialog} 3. Add this after it: {if $active_modules.WCM_Dynamic_Product_Tabs AND $config.WCM_Dynamic_Product_Tabs.tab_product_details eq 'Y'} {$product.producttitle}{/if} 4. Save and uploaded the file and now your product name is in a H1. | |
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