How do I create a xCMS tab for related entries?
Posted by - NA - on 30 November 2010 01:13 PM
SolutionDynamic Product Tabs makes it super easy to create a tab for your xCMS entries related to your products and it even hides the tab if there is no related entries set. 1. First lets move your xCMS related entries dialog into Dynamic Product Tabs area. Open skin1/customer/main/product.tpl and Move this code: {* WCM - xcMS *} {if $active_modules.WCM_xCMS AND $xcmsEntries} {* Related Entries *} {capture name="dialog"} {include file="modules/xcms/xcms_customer_display_entries.tpl"} {/capture} {include file="customer/dialog.tpl" content=$smarty.capture.dialog title=$lng.lbl_xcms_related_entries extra='width="100%"'} {/if} {* / WCM - xcMS *} After this code: {* WCM - Dynamic Product Tabs *} {if !$active_modules.WCM_Dynamic_Product_Tabs} Save the product.tpl file and upload it to the server. 2. Go to your Dynamic Product Tabs admin link and then scroll to the Add Entry area 3. Put then set the following values: Tab Name: {$lng.lbl_xcms_related_entries} Content: {if $xcmsEntries} {include file="modules/xcms/xcms_customer_display_entries.tpl"} {/if} Related Module: xCMS Click Save You should now have xCMS related entries showing up in a new tab for any products that have related entries | |
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