Knowledgebase: Employee Link Conrtol
Using CDSEO with Employee Link Control
Posted by Nick Poindexter on 28 May 2010 12:06 PM
I have attempted to add an Employee Link to my CDSEO mod, but when attempting to access from the fulfillment user profile, I receive a page not found error. I know I have the correct path. It looks like the url is defaulting to an access denied page. To fix this problem: 1. Go to your Employee Link Control link in your admin 2. Create your permission for the CDSEO mod 3. URL will be index.php 4. Link Name is your choice 5. Click Add 6. Now, scroll down to the new path section 7. add admin/cdseopro to your website name. 8.Click add path 9. find your CDSEO permissions and update the path to the newly created path. Now check your employee link. If it is still not working check to make sure the path to the CDSEO mod is correct. | |
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