How do I enable the Shipping First name and Shipping Last name fields on the one page checkout?
Posted by Nick Poindexter on 04 March 2010 05:17 PM
If you are using X-Cart 4.1.1 or greater you can enable the shipping firstname and lastname fields in "General Settings -> User Profile Options".

If you are using X-Cart 4.0.x you will need to change this in the skin1/modules/Checkout_One/checkout_one_ship_fields.tpl:

{if $default_fields.s_firstname.avail eq 'Y'}
<td align="right">{$lng.lbl_first_name}</td>
<td>{if $default_fields.s_firstname.required eq 'Y'}<font class="Star">*</font>{else} {/if} <span id="img_s_firstname"></span></td>
<td nowrap="nowrap">
<input type="text" id="s_firstname" name="s_firstname" size="32" maxlength="32" value="{$userinfo.s_firstname}" />

{if $default_fields.s_lastname.avail eq 'Y'}
<td align="right">{$lng.lbl_last_name}</td>
<td>{if $default_fields.s_lastname.required eq 'Y'}<font class="Star">*</font>{else} {/if} <span id="img_s_lastname"></span></td>
<td nowrap="nowrap">
<input type="text" id="s_lastname" name="s_lastname" size="32" maxlength="32" value="{$userinfo.s_lastname}" />

to this:

<td align="right">{$lng.lbl_first_name}</td>
<td>{if $default_fields.s_firstname.required eq 'Y'}<font class="Star">*</font>{else} {/if} <span id="img_s_firstname"></span></td>
<td nowrap="nowrap">
<input type="text" id="s_firstname" name="s_firstname" size="32" maxlength="32" value="{$userinfo.s_firstname}" />

<td align="right">{$lng.lbl_last_name}</td>
<td>{if $default_fields.s_lastname.required eq 'Y'}<font class="Star">*</font>{else} {/if} <span id="img_s_lastname"></span></td>
<td nowrap="nowrap">
<input type="text" id="s_lastname" name="s_lastname" size="32" maxlength="32" value="{$userinfo.s_lastname}" />

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