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Knowledgebase : X-cart Mods & Addons > CDSEO Pro
If using Custom Dynamic SEO Links for X-Cart, this information will be useful to you in writing custom scripts, or useful to anyone you hire to write custom scripts for you. The URL fields are held in the database in the xcart_products and xcart_categor...
To retrieve a url with correct extension, you include the file: include_once $xcart_dir."/modules/cdseolinks/cdseo_convert_urls.php"; And then use the function: wcmcdseoGetUrl($in_replaceid, $in_type, $in_page=''); In the format: $url = wcmcdseoG...
If you have previously indexed dynamic pages, you can do 301 redirects from your old x-cart urls to your new CDSEO Pro urls as follows: 1. Log into your x-cart administration section. 2. Click on the CDSEO Pro administration link from the admin ...
A slight edit is required to the Tabbed Product Menu to make it compatible with CDSEO Links if using a folder extension for products. Open skin1/cartlab-tabs.tpl Find all references to: #tabs Replace with: {$smarty.server.REQUEST_URI}#tabs
If your using CDSEO and your site is not redirecting properly from https to http, it is likely because your server has a problematic implementation of the $PHP_SELF variable used by x-cart. You can correct this with the following code change: OPEN https....
A robots.txt file is a plain text file placed in your root website directory, that gives instructions to search engines when they are visiting to index your website. We recommend the following in a robots.txt file for use with CDSEO. If your x-cart in...
If you have previously purchased CDSEO Basic you receive a discount when upgrading to CDSEO Pro When adding CDSEO Pro to your shopping cart, select the Upgrade option and your discount will be automatically applied. We will then verify your domain name l...
Yes. When running the CDSEO Pro installation it will detect that you are running CDSEO Basic and provide instructions for upgrading. You will be presented the option to use your cdseo basic urls with cdseo pro, or auto-create new urls and automatically 3...
The CDSEO Pro installation will detect that you are running CDSEO Basic, and indicate steps for upgrading. CDSEO Pro integrates nearly all necessary x-cart changes into the code itself, so part of the CDSEO Pro upgrade is uninstalling the file edits of CD...
CDSEO Pro uses mod rewrite, which on some servers can cause a conflict with htpasswd protected admin directories. To correct this issue, simply add the following line to an .htaccess file located in the password protected directory i.e. the /admin/ folder...
When using NewsPro and CDSEO Pro together the .htaccess code of each mod needs to be merged together. Open your .htaccess file containing the CDSEO rewrites provided by the CDSEO Pro installation, and: FIND: RewriteEngine on AFTER add: # NEWS...
X-Cart's reliance on PHP_SELF instead of REQUEST_URI can cause problems with some server configurations. To correct this open: init.php FIND: $php_url = array("url" => "http".($HTTPS=="on"?"s://".$xcart_https_host:"://".$xcart_http_host).$PHP_SEL...
These steps will allow you to 301 redirect your DSEFU urls to CDSEO Pro urls to transfer SEO ranking and prevent broken links. 1. Log into your CDSEO Pro administration and ensure "Redirect Dynamic PHP Urls" is enabled. 2. Locate your current DSEFU .h...
Yes, the CDSEO administration panel can be customized by modifying files in the admin/cdseopro/template/. Note that when upgrading you will want to ensure not to overwrite any customization to these files.
Yes, CDSEO Pro can be used with ISAPI Rewrite using either a .htaccess file or a httpd.ini depending on your configuration. If your server supports .htaccess, simply follow the default instructions provided in step 3 of the CDSEO installation. If your ser...
X-Mall is a BCSE customization that allows you to have individual stores or 'malls' within one x-cart version. To install CDSEO Pro on your X-Mall, first perform the installation on your main x-cart version as per the default instructions. Then for each...
Yes it is possible to use your CDSEO Pro page title as your on page dialog.tpl title. Note you can replace cdseoTitle with cdseoLinkTitle in the below code to use the link anchor text instead. For Products Open product.php FIND: $smarty->assig...
Yes CDSEO Pro is compatible with FTS Sitemap. If you should experience any issues with compatibility, you may need to reload the default fts_sitemap.tpl file to your skin1/customer/ directory and clear your template cache. If you continue to experience ...
To redirect XCSEO Basic urls to CDSEO Pro urls after CDSEO Pro installation, log into your CDSEO Pro administration and ensure "Redirect Dynamic PHP Urls" is enabled and then perform the following: Open .htaccess FIND: # Some servers require the ...
The home page title can be modified under the 'Settings' section of the CDSEO Pro administration panel. The meta keywords and meta description on the home page are modified outside of CDSEO in the xcart admin section: General Settings -> SEO Options.
Websites are commonly scanned by would-be hackers using common terms and exploits, looking for websites that are vulnerable or unpatched. These attempted hacks/exploits are usually untargeted and rather are run against websites in bulk. If your server sec...
If custom cdseo page title and meta tags are not being displayed on your pages, check the following: 1) Ensure CDSEO is enabled in the CDSEO Pro settings. 2) Ensure that title, meta keyword, and meta description replacements are enabled in the CDSEO P...
If after installing CDSEO you want to retain a custom static index.html file, then: In your .htaccess file find: DirectoryIndex home.php index.php index.html Replace with: DirectoryIndex index.html home.php index.php
You can force http:// (as opposed to https://) usage via the x-cart admin section. Login and click on 'General Settings' then click on 'Security Options.' You'll see a setting for 'Do not redirect customers from HTTPS to HTTP:' which can be unchecked. ...
If you're using CDSEO and your site is not redirecting properly from https to http, it is likely because your server has a problematic implementation of the $PHP_SELF variable used by x-cart. You can correct this with the following code change: OPEN http...
The process of upgrading from DSEFU to CDSEO is as follows: 1. Remove the SAFETYNET DSEFU code from: -> auth.php -> modules/Froogle/froogle.php -> home.php (if applicable) -> manufacturers.php (if applicable) -> pa...
The following is a common mysql error which is often misunderstood as a CDSEO error simply because cdseopro.php is present in the error description: Logged as: SQL query : UPDATE xcart_sessions_data SET data='X' WHERE sessid='X' Error code : 2006 De...
Notice: Undefined variable: current_area in /var/www/vhosts/ on line X This error indicates that you may not be up-to-date with your x-cart security patches, and you will want to login to your x-cart support desk and l...
You may be running an older version of the x-cart 4.0.x branch. You can solve this problem as follows: Open FIND: if (!in_array($__key, array("GLOBALS","HTTP_GET_VARS","HTTP_POST_VARS","HTTP_SERVER_VARS","HTTP_ENV_VARS","HTTP_COOKIE_V...
Log into your x-cart admin section and access General Settings -> Security Settings. From the security settings page, uncheck "Do not redirect customers from HTTPS to HTTP:" This will cause your https product/category etc. pages to redirect to the h...
X-Cart allows you to create 'Static Pages' which are content pages that utilize your store layout. These pages are dynamic, meaning they update with content as you change your site, making it ideal for content display. You can use such a page to create a ...
When moving a site to a testing domain it is sometimes necessary to disable CDSEO. CDSEO can be disabled by updating the configuration in the database directly as follows: 1. Log into your x-cart admin section. 2. From the left navigation, click...
If you are receiving 404 errors after installing CDSEO, please ensure the following: 1) Your server supports mod rewrite, isapi 3 or Zeus (with rewrites enabled). 2) cdseopro.php has been uploaded to your sites root directory (the same as cart.php and...
When x-cart's clean urls are disabled, it automatically changes any clean url - regardless if it has been customized - and regenerates it from the product name. While X-Cart has claimed this to be an SEO feature, it is 100% an SEO disaster waiting to happ...